Success Customer Story_Reliable Reading DPM Code on Rough Surface Piston Rod_HRX Series

2024-12-11 16:03:07 Alexandra

Reliable Reading DPM Code on Rough Surface Piston Rod in Manufacturing Processing

Fixed mount barcode scanner

In the production of automotive engine piston rods, barcodes play a crucial role in quality tracking, inventory control, and process monitoring. After the toner cleaner treatment in the early process, piston rods proceed to the barcode reading stage on the production line. Capturing accurate barcode data here is critical for ensuring seamless downstream operations.


An automotive component manufacturer faced challenges reading a 10x10mm DataMatrix code laser-printed on rough, uneven piston rod surfaces during production. Water droplets and oil stains often covered the codes, causing significant reductions in contrast. Additionally, the vibration and high temperatures conditions further complicated the code reading process, making conventional code readers ineffective. These issues jeopardized the production line's efficiency and failed to meet the strict reading rate requirement of 99.94%.

Project Overview
  • Industry: Automotive

  • Application: Reading 10x10mm Datamatrix code laser-printed on the rough uneven surface piston rod in vibration and high temperature condition, which need to meet the strict reading rate of 99.94%.

  • Challenges: Water droplet, oil, rough uneven surface, 99.94% reading rate, harsh environment.

HEROJE Solution

HEROJEs HRX series code readers solved the problem by using a master-slave configuration. This solution offered:

Reliable reading of low-contrast DPM codes on reflective metal.

Glare reduction and enhanced readability despite challenging surface conditions.

Improved production efficiency through precise data capture and reduced errors.


HRX series is AI powered fixed mount code readers, comes with high resolution COMS sensor, provide larger field of view and long distance that of others. Automatic focus and automatic tuning make setup easy. Visual industrial screen makes installation easy with one man and without a PC. With different lighting systems to set according to different applications, polarized light, direct light and diffuse light. The AI and latest decoding algorithms deliver 99% decoding capacity for hard-to-read DPM codes reading applications for vary of industry, such as highly reflective, oily, irregular, blurred, casting, glass, dark, cylindrical and so on.

Fixed mount barcode scannerFixed mount barcode scanner
