HEROJE newly launched H286 photosensitive Bluetooth scanner. It can scan mobile phone screens, computer screens, Bluetooth connection supports all Android phones, Apple phones, Apple PAD, no need to enter a password, no need to install drivers, plug and play. It has all the advantages of a photosensitive scanner: it can scan distorted barcodes, incomplete and deformed barcodes. For projects and orders, H286 Bluetooth photosensitive scanner is your first choice!
More details05-18 / 2017
据经济日报最新消息,支付宝于今日发布最新的9.0版本。支付宝花了将近8年的时间,将一个工具变成一个应用。再经过2年的时间转变为一个支付平台。在接下来的几年,支付宝将会渗透到生活中购物、金融理财、沟通交流等诸多领域,成为以个人为中心的一站式场景平台。 昨日,支付宝首次公开了在商超、餐饮、交通、医疗等行业线下支付领域的覆盖情况。数据显示,截至今年6月底,已经有超过13万的线下商铺接入了支付
More details05-14 / 2014